The City of Danville is taking bold, transformative steps to promote thriving youth and sustain community safety.
CYFA, the City of Danville, youth, families, and the community are working towards system transformation to promote youth opportunity and amplify community safety. The BuildStrong Initiative’s multi-phased adaptive, place-based strategy focuses on developing a common agenda through community and stakeholder engagement, developing shared goals through effective and equitable data collection, developing a joint strategic plan, and reporting on shared outcomes.
This page provides updates on the Initiative’s progress and milestones.
Common Agenda
Shared community vision that all Danville City children and youth have equitable access to resources and opportunities to succeed from cradle to career through eight priorities: safety & security, cognitive health, physical health, mental health, relationships, environment, purpose, and community.
Phase I
CYFA and City of Danville engaged the community and stakeholders around the goal of reducing and preventing youth delinquency through the co-creation of a shared vision for youth opportunity and community safety.
Community & Stakeholder Engagement
Phase II
Community and stakeholders are united under a common agenda and focus on understanding and collecting data relevant to the common agenda.
Phase III
Through IMPACT, CYFA and community stakeholders developed Danville’s Children & Youth Master Plan (CYMP), which serves as a roadmap for how the City of Danville and the community can work collaboratively to ensure all children and youth have the opportunities and resources necessary to thrive from cradle to career. The CYMP is the first of its kind for the City, and it strives to establish a strong and steady foundation upon which future master plans can expand and progress to meet the needs of City children and youth. Together, the CYMP and its Appendix provide stakeholders with detailed descriptions of each Strategy, Objective, Action Item, and the key measurement and reporting protocols over a five-year period.
The CYMP is comprehensive, asset-based, and equity-focused. It aligns with the City’s ongoing efforts to reimagine what can be economically, socially, and culturally possible for its residents. Through its implementation, the City explicitly acknowledges that the mutually beneficial goals of youth opportunity and community safety are not simply future goals to be achieved by future generations; rather, their realization begins today.
BuildStrong Leadership Team
Tobias Addis
Tommy Bennett
Jason Bookheimer
Scott Booth
Julie Brown
Curtis Artis
Robert David
Anjanette Farmer
Lashawn Farmer
David Ferguson
Deborah Fitzgerald
Shakeva Frazier
Kushana Galloway
Shani Gaylord
Antonio Hodges
James Hodgson
Michelle Johnson
Kenny Lewis
Maggie Lineberry
Kitt Mayo
Michael Mondul
Rachelle Moore
Michael Newman
Amanda Oakes
Veronica Onsurez-Pannell
Amanda Paez
Kelvin Perry
Cindi Poteat
Gary Pritchett
Earl Reynolds
Warrick Scott
Chinique Scott
Joseph Schenk
Diane Schwartz
Dana Silicki
Jennifer Smith
Vincentt Sutton
David Weilnau
Angela Wells
Alvin Williams
Phase IV
Cultural shifts and systemic change require transparency and accountability. BuildStrong Initiative partners will develop a comprehensive communications plan, which includes updated information through this page.
Phase V
The BuildStrong Initiative is an ongoing process, and partners will report on developments, successes, and future opportunities.